Sakura Milk Jewelry

Breastmilk Jewelry you will always cherish

Jewelry made from your breastmilk

あなたの母乳をジュエリーに 変えるチャンスを逃さないでください

私はたくさんの母親から、もし自分の母乳がまだあれば母乳ジュエリーに変えて思い出に残せたのになという声をよく聞きます。多くの母親にとって授乳できる期間はそう長くなく、子供の成長とともに母乳を与える機会はなくなります。Sakura Milk Jewelryはあなたの母乳を美しいジュエリーに変えることで、母親として出発したあのときの感動を永遠にします。


1. Payment and Instructions

  1. After payment we send you an email with where to ship your inclusion and how. 

2.Ship your inclusion

We provide easy shipping instructions for your inclusion, and though it may take a little time to ship, rest assured it will be worth it. Once received, we'll take care of everything for you!

3. Your jewelry is made

We craft your jewelry and send you a special video preserving your breastmilk before you receive your jewelry. 

4. Receive your keepsake!

We send your jewelry to you, immortalizing your breastfeeding journey forever!

What our customers are saying


Thank you for making such wonderful jewelry. The day my child would wean was approaching, and I ordered breastmilk jewelry because I wanted to end it with a happy feeling, remembering all the times I breastfed my baby. The moment I opened the box, I was impressed by the beautiful wrapping! These irreplaceable earrings are even cuter and more luxurious than I imagined, and I'm really happy that my memories were made into a wonderful piece of jewelry. I will truly cherish it forever. thank you so much.


I am currently raising a 3-year-old son and 1-year-old twins. I gave birth at early and had a uterine fibroid removed before my caesarean section, it is unlikely I will have another child, so I knew I would not be able to make breastmilk jewelry if I miss out on the chance now! I decided to purchase a breastmilk ring. The youngest, twins weaned quickly, probably because they mainly drank milk and only had a bit of breastmilk, and the times breastfeeding them have sadly already finished in the span of a year, but I was happy to be able to preserve the memories of my breastfeeding in a tangible form like this. It will me remember those moments and what I accomplished although it was a difficult time. Thank you for making such wonderful jewelry!


I was feeling sad I was about to wean, so I made a breastfeeding accessory as a reminder of the breastfeeding period that I worked hard to achieve after giving birth. Sakura Milk Jewelry sent me a video showing how the breastmilk is processed. I was worried about where to buy breastmilk jewelry, and I was looking for at a few sites, but I'm glad I ordered here ^ _ ^


Every day is so hectic as I am busy raising my children, but when I take a quick look at my hands, I remember the loving time I had with my son and the joy of becoming a mother. SakuraMilkJewelry's breast milk jewelry is a wonderful piece of jewelry that evokes such wonderful feelings. Looking at this ring makes me want to cherish the time I spend with my son as he grows every day. It's my lifelong treasure. thank you very much.




    最高級の素材を使用し丁寧に製作されたジュエリーです。 当社の品質への取り組みは職人同様こだわり抜いています。 当社では母乳ジュエリーの最高の衛生基準と純度を保証するために、徹底して清潔な環境で製作しております。






    ジュエリーの輝きを維持するための必需品をご紹介します。 各アクセサリーには変色を防ぎ美しい見た目を保つための変色防止タブが含まれています。 さらに磨く為の布も付属しておりますので、アクセサリーをいつまでもピカピカに美しく保つことができます。 どちらも無料でプレゼント致します。


    ジュエリーの耐久性を保証するために1年間の保証を提供致します。 どのジュエリーも長くお使いいただけるように製作されていますので、ご安心ください。 保証期間終了後も、適正な金額にて修理対応させていただきますので、お気軽にお問合せ下さい。

Breastmikl Jewelry


  • 顧客向けに 1,000 個を超えるアクセサリーを製作しています。

  • 高品質のアクセサリーを生み出す、ジュエリー製作の専門知識とツールを使用しています。

  • 当社のオンラインショップは 4 年間、たくさんの母親たちのために DNA ジュエリーを作り続けてきました。

  • 母親が経営するビジネスで、授乳を終えるときの気分の浮き沈みを知っています。
  • Browse Jewelry to find your special piece!

    Don't let your breastfeeding memories slip away.  Sakura Milk Jewelry can immortalize your breastfeeding journey by turning your breastmilk into breastmilk jewelry.

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